Near Willow City, Texas. Curious cattle... Japan to the U.S.A.For various reasons, Amy and I decided to move back to the United States. We shipped all of our belongings including our Wing to Chicago. This time, we weren't worried about shipping our Wing at all because there was no problem whatsoever the last time from Mexico to Japan. When I picked up our Wing in Chicago, mold was growing all over the bike, and rust was present on many unpainted, poorly-painted, and poorly-chromed parts (mostly aftermarket safety chrome). The Wing was tied down on a pallet and shrink-wrapped this time. Well, there was a puddle of water in the shrink wrap. So, the moisture got caught inside and corroded pretty much everything that could corrode. Insurance replaced most of the visible parts. In any case, I was so glad to reunite with our Wing again! We stayed at Amy's family farm in northeast Iowa for 6 months before we permanently moved to San Antonio, Texas. I was surprised to find out that there were some curvy and hilly roads in the northeast corner of Iowa. Winging in the U.S.A.Freedom to enjoy riding the Wing! I don't have to get up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning to avoid traffic jams on weekends. We have the freedom to ride two-ups anywhere we want. No expensive toll-ways. Gas is relatively inexpensive. Freedom to accessorize the way you want without unnecessary regulations. Road conditions are decent and riders are well-protected from various road hazards by appropriate road signs and warnings. There are so many things U.S. Wingers take for granted. Believe me, after riding my Wing in Mexico and in Japan, I'm still grateful that I have the opportunity to enjoy riding the way I can here!
Please e-mail Masa if you have any questions or comments, or you could sign my guest book. Thanks for stopping by! Copyright © 2001 Masahiko Kamata. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. |